Archive 19/01/2023.

Concept Artist / Texturizer Needed / Whatever [UNPAID]


(Note: I posted this on some other sites but no reply but posting it here and I’ll give credit to everyone that help. I posted the latest version on GitHub.)


Is there anyone concept artist or graphics artist who can do texturizing and models? I am trying to put a team together. I am working on a game project. Open source and I need help building. It’s at the point of conceptual design and mechanics implementation. I have some of the model assets made already. My current pipeline of applications are Blender, Urho3D, Makehuman, and a few other applications.

The initial goal is a exploration game for standalone immediately and online in the future. I am working on the client aspect. There is some Star Trek character models but majority of it is up to creative direction. I’m thinking on the scale of Eve Online/Mass Effect in a procedural environment. The overall concept is like specifically ground map as first.

Youtube Playlist … 7&index=30

Note: It’s been updated even more.

Github … evelopment

Video Log

Assets and other information

Talk soon. My email is . Any other contribution or help is appreciated.


A list of models you need would be helpful. Along with a link to an image of what you’d like each of those models to look like. This way people with spare time can pick them off little by little.


Okay. I posted a picture of terrain assets at

The assets are named by planet type like desert, terrain, and ice then subtype like alien and terrain. So, I can have a alien blend file with assets per subtype planet type. The file naming convention is the same or smiliar.

What i dont have is more variety in desert planet type for both terrain or alien, and variety of terrain plants and rock assets.

So, I one or two cactus and grass for terrain earth like and cactus like alien, then a few plants. That I can find some quick pictures.

I found some

A few of the cactus plant can be alien or changed to be more alien like.


I started out trying to make a cactus but I’m too noob to figure out how to do spikes. … us.7z?dl=0


[quote=“practicing01”]I started out trying to make a cactus but I’m too noob to figure out how to do spikes. … us.7z?dl=0

Which program do you use? If its Blender I can do a quick how to when I’m home.


Heres another quick dirty method I would do a cactus. I was rushing out the door.

If I had time I would make the circle 16 or 8 vertiices modeling at a low count and all quads.

Hope the link worked. The one you did practicing I we would use for a desert based plant cactus.


[quote=“practicing01”]A list of models you need would be helpful. Along with a link to an image of what you’d like each of those models to look like. This way people with spare time
can pick them off little by little.[/quote]

The one you made. I did a quick remesh with the uvmapped ane a plain default texture. If you want to see it and play with that.

In addition a plain texture terrain texture file. …

If you want to play around with those, the terrain I used the pipes plugin that for the top part. A cube I subdivided to have the same number veritices along the middle as the pople. Then I bridge connected them and smoothed it. Marked those linking areas then a simple uv unwarpped if finish.

You can probably play around with those you like then I can use those for the client. I just didn’t do grass which is straight forward. If you want to experiment use the hair emitter particle modifier system then convert it to a mesh with the Convert button.