What’s the procedure for packaging/compiling a scripting project?
On all my Urho projects I’ve done the following:
- lua scripting
- project is run via urho3dplayer binary (which reads CommandLine.txt for the main.lua file)
- people on windows just run urho3dplayer.exe (renamed game.exe)
- data folder is accessible, along with scripts
everthing works fine
Here’s an example .
I recently got a new pc and did a clean linux install. I followed this short guide and built urho with the lua flag. The binaries are there and work fine.
What I’ve been doing works (or seems to). I have a template that I use and like other engines/frameworks with lua, I type away and run Urho3DPlayer anytime I want. However, I want to distribute my projects the right way. What is the correct procedure here? The binary samples still require the Data folder, but neither of the script folders. So what are they exactly? Are they just urho3dplayer files that don’t read commandline.txt? Or do they have certain files embedded in them? Is there C++ code compiled in those samples?
I’m using Geany to edit my scripts. Because I’ve never needed to compile I have no idea how to set that up. Is there a guide anywhere for angelscript project distribution that I can read over? I found a wizard for codeblocks (which I don’t use) but it looked to be for windows. I should have some terminal commands to do, correct? Or, is it okay to distribute a project like I am? Am I supposed to be creating make files to build my project with only the necessary files? Currently, I’ve just been stripping things down in a copied project folder, which has a Data folder etc and everything it needs to run all in a zip archive. I mean it works as a weird standalone thing, but I want to learn the proper way for lua and angelscript projects. I feel like I’m wildly off from what I should be doing.