Archive 19/01/2023.

Compile Urho3D for Android using Linux host in debug mode


Hi guys,

I am new in Urho3D, and I have a problem to compile it for Android in Debug mode, but it fails with errors like:

[86%] Linking CXX shared library ../../../libs/armeabi-v7a/
../Urho3D/src2/Source/ThirdParty/FreeType/src/gzip/infcodes.c:77: error: undefined reference to 'ft2_z_verbose'
../Urho3D/src2/Source/ThirdParty/FreeType/src/gzip/infcodes.c:219: error: undefined reference to 'ft2_z_error'
../Urho3D/src2/Source/ThirdParty/FreeType/src/gzip/infcodes.c:224: error: undefined reference to 'ft2_z_verbose'
../Urho3D/src2/Source/ThirdParty/FreeType/src/gzip/infcodes.c:250: error: undefined reference to 'ft2_z_verbose'
../Urho3D/src2/Source/ThirdParty/FreeType/src/gzip/infblock.c:85: error: undefined reference to 'ft2_z_verbose'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Source/Tools/Urho3DPlayer/CMakeFiles/Urho3DPlayer.dir/build.make:121: recipe for target 'libs/armeabi-v7a/' failed

I found that the root cause of this error is CMake settings:

    add_definitions (-Dz_verbose=ft2_z_verbose -Dz_error=ft2_z_error)
endif ()

in …/Urho3D/src2/Source/ThirdParty/FreeType/ CMakeLists.txt (29-31)
I was wonder if somebody can describe why it fails?
Is it possible to compile for Android in debug mode?

My environment:
Urho3D src : 23c5dd1…be9257a master -> origin/master
gcc version 5.4.1 20160904
android NDK : r12b
android list target | grep android- :
id: 1 or "android-21"
Tag/ABIs : android-tv/armeabi-v7a, android-tv/x86, android-wear/armeabi-v7a, default/armeabi-v7a, default/x86
id: 2 or "android-23"
id: 3 or "android-25"
run command :

./ …/Urho3D/build/android/debug -DANDROID=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL=android-21

BTW Release mode compiles OK.
Thanks in advance.


This was caused by recent FreeType update. It still needs a fix for debug mode. Should be in now. Thanks for noticing!