Archive 19/01/2023.

CollisionShape* issue - possibly an easy fix


Hi everyone!
I have an issue with collision detection in my game, currently i have two object that have:

CollisionShape* shape = objectNode->CreateComponent<CollisionShape>();
shape->SetTriangleMesh(model->GetModel(), 0);

One object is the player and another is a wall, or rock. The problem is that both objects cannot collide with each other (i.e., the player goes through the wall).

Any help would be much appreciated!


Try using SetConvexHull instead for non-static bodies like the player.


is that instead of SetTriangleMesh(model->GetModel(), 0);?


thing is, strangely other non-static objects that have collider->SetBox(Vector3::ONE); seem to be able to hit the player no problem?


If I’m not mistaken, yes.
Moving triangle mesh colliders are advised against in Bullet’s documentation, I think.


ah works beautifully however when i collide them both together it seems to lag the game massively. Really amazing for the SetBox(Vector3::ONE) collision though. Any way to get around the lag?


I’m not sure what could be causing that.


Bullet is stupid slow in debug builds and when a debugger is hooked.

Doing either of those?


Do you mean this type of debug below?

#include <Urho3D/DebugNew.h>
    if (drawDebug)

other than that the only debug build that I use is the visual studio one.


I think that’s the one @Sinoid meant.


Ah alright so it’s visual studio debugger. Is there anyway to speed it up? Or should I just open with the exe?


Only use release builds for checking performance - the difference is usually large. In VS you can run as Debug -> Start without Debugging (shift+F5 default) to launch from VS without hooking - mostly no different than launching from the executable itself ( mostly , still honors VS launch parameters).

The debugger has to patch things out in order for it to even work (alloc, grabbing stacks, etc) so once you hook you’ve got overhead just for that regardless of whether you’re running Debug/Release.

Although there’s a profiler in Urho3D it’s just a ballpark tool, you still want to use VS’ Debug -> Performance Profiler to find where things are slowing down, which is also only reliable in a Release build.


Also one thing to note is this. If your using your render model for the physics make sure its a simple model. If you use a model that has quite a few polygons then your game will lag bad due to the physics engine having to run calculations on your entire mesh. Most modern games use a very simple representation of the render model that is not rendered in the game “obviously”.