Archive 19/01/2023.

Code blocks - you must select a host application to select a commands only target


I just installed Urho3d in Ubuntu 16.04 all examples are running fine, when I try to create a new project ,I have made the directory as prescribed by the documentation and ran a cmake script , I opened a cbp file for code blocks when I try to build using a example program . I am getting the error that "You must select a host application " , I selected the Myexecuable app in bin, but it says that it is not found .

Just checked Edit[1]: tried running the myexceutable app directly it works fine :



I have not actually tried the Urho projects for CodeBlocks. As with CodeLite, I used “custom makefile project” and filled in the commands from the build docs.

This was found via websearch of that error, but not sure if it’s relevant.