2D texture Facial expressions using Claire model from Mixamo. Maybe some might find it useful.
Repo: https://github.com/Lumak/Urho3D-Claire
2D texture Facial expressions using Claire model from Mixamo. Maybe some might find it useful.
Repo: https://github.com/Lumak/Urho3D-Claire
Thank you for sharing this.
Wonderful, this is exactly what I’m looking of! (Searching for various ways of doing facial animation…)
A couple of things I don’t understand…
I guess this is UV animation… the spritesheet is juxtaposed on the girls face… the face is flat and this does the trick… is it?
matEyes = matOrig->Clone(); matEyeBrows = matOrig->Clone(); matMouth = matOrig->Clone(); object->SetMaterial(0, matEyeBrows); object->SetMaterial(1, matEyes); object->SetMaterial(2, matMouth);
extracting material of geometry part for uv animation…? I tried to open the model with the editor, but I didn’t find any material subdivision tied to the face of the model (anyway i had problem loading another composite model in the past, so i think it’s me or the editor not showing material slots for body parts… in blender it’s easier)
UV animation is then done in update with, I guess:
eyesIdx_ = ++eyesIdx_ % eyesIdxMax_; int row = eyesIdx_ % eyesMaxRows_; int col = eyesIdx_ / eyesMaxRows_; float u = (float)col * eyesCellWidth_; float v = (float)row * cellHeight_; matEyes->SetShaderParameter("UOffset", Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, u)); matEyes->SetShaderParameter("VOffset", Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, v));
and so on for every body part. But what’s this in create scene?
// int uv indeces eyesIdx_ = 0; eyesIdxMax_ = 30; eyesMaxRows_ = 10;
eyeBrowsIdx_ = 0; eyeBrowsIdxMax_ = 10;
mouthIdx_ = 0; mouthIdxMax_ = 30; mouthMaxRows_ = 10;
// cell dims cellWidth_ = 0.1f; cellHeight_ = 0.1f; eyesCellWidth_ = 0.2f;
looks like mapping the spritesheet…
Thank you so much for sharing!
1 - came with the model
2 - right, you only need one material to render all three at once but because I have to change the uv offsets three separate cloned materials are required as not to affect the other uv offsets.
3 - I looked at the Girl01_FacialAnimMap.png and determined that there are 10x10 cells (size=0.1 x 0.1 ea) and eyes are 1x2 cells, other two 1x1 cells, and counted num expressions for each.
I see. So
matMouth->SetShaderParameter("UOffset", Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, u));
matMouth->SetShaderParameter("VOffset", Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, v));
maps the sprite in the spritesheet (u,v) over the material, and Vector4 tells (x=1, y=1, no z) the shader to set the sprite all over the material surface?
Yes, that’s correct and z is not used in the shader.
Very well. Thank you!