Archive 19/01/2023.

Changing a value of a post processing XML



Im using the following XML file to do a post processing blurr effect, this is equal to the Blurr example in … s/Blur.xml

< renderpath> <rendertarget name="blurh" tag="Blur" sizedivisor="2 2" format="rgba" filter="true" /> <rendertarget name="blurv" tag="Blur" sizedivisor="2 2" format="rgba" filter="true" /> <command type="quad" tag="Blur" vs="Blur" ps="Blur" psdefines="BLUR9" output="blurh"> <parameter name="BlurDir" value="1.0 0.0" /> <parameter name="BlurRadius" value="1.0" /> <parameter name="BlurSigma" value="2.0" /> <texture unit="diffuse" name="viewport" /> </command> <command type="quad" tag="Blur" vs="Blur" ps="Blur" psdefines="BLUR9" output="blurv"> <parameter name="BlurDir" value="0.0 1.0" /> <parameter name="BlurRadius" value="1.0" /> <parameter name="BlurSigma" value="2.0" /> <texture unit="diffuse" name="blurh" /> </command> <command type="quad" tag="Blur" vs="CopyFramebuffer" ps="CopyFramebuffer" output="viewport"> <texture unit="diffuse" name="blurv" /> </command> </renderpath>

I have a render to texture system setup, and i just append this XML to the standard viewport where i do my rendering, everything works as it should.

Now, is there a way for me to affect the BlurSigma value on this XML on a frame by frame basis? if so what would be the best way to achieve that?

EDIT: i have just read in the wiki that i can create a render path programmatically, i guess that is what i must do every frame but with different sigma values? or i guess just set the “BlurSigna” value with Viewport.RenderPath.SetShaderParameter??

1vanK … aLogic.cpp



Thanks i just realised that renderPaths have a setShaderParameter function :slight_smile: