tl;dr A careful selection of choices and directions must be made in order to avoid the common pitfalls for a game engine in this state .
I’m ok with change. And as long as there is one direction (
not the band
). However, I have a feeling there will be (
) more than one direction going on, and it will end up a freak-show. Basically a Frankenstein engine with bits from all over the places that tries to cover just about everything under the sun to satisfy everyone but failing to do what it was actually meant to do.
But those are just my thoughts. I’m quite curious how it’ll actually end up.
I don’t think i have enough fingers for every engine where the author retired and everyone began to volunteer and start working on new features and exciting new stuff. However, by the end of it all that remained was an engine without purpose and features no one cared about or maintained or sometimes even completed. At which point you could label it
yet another game engine that no one cares
Like I said. I’m ok with change. But change(
) without purpose or direction for the sake of not looking stagnant will not yield a favorable result.
My problem with game engines nowadays (
at least most of them
) is that they focus too much on the graphics side. I mean, is that all a game is about? Looking good?
When you actually begin to do the logic of said games you soon realize you entered a nightmare. A clusterf* of nonsense that can’t be evolved beyond a
Hello World
project. Basically, they lack the tools to build the logic of your game and aid you in getting a prototype without a ton of work.
How come no one here is offering to improve the GUI? Add better components. Everything boils down to graphics. Might as well just call it a rendering engine.
Which is why no successful game has ever use an open source engine. There are a few exceptions, I know. But they are too few for the plethora of games and free open source game engines out there.
I honestly have no right to complain about any of these. I don’t contribute much. I play with ideas from time to time as a hobby. And what I’ve mentioned are basically observations I’ve made in time (
my opinions