Recently I create a driving car demo like the sample vehicle demo.
But the car is not good.
So I think the engine maybe need support bullet raycastvehicle.
Bullet raycastvehicle support
The heightfield and trimesh collision in Bullet are not nice, they will generate broken normals which will indeed cause jitter of a physical (wheels are rigidbodies) vehicle.
It should be possible to integrate the btRaycastVehicle: it could be a component. However the API is inflexible compared to Urho’s own components; you’re expected to provide all tuning parameters when constructing the object, so something like editing the parameters will mean constantly deleting and recreating it (not a problem in normal game usage)
Another option would be to replicate the functionality of btRaycastVehicle without actually using its code. Casting rays downward and moving a rigidbody manually each physics frame is already possible.