Hello everyone.
I have met Urho3d review in web and decided to try it
I am on Ubuntu 14.04 amd64,
cloned source tree from github
gcc 4.8.4
run cmake with keys
./cmake_generic.sh ~/urho3d/build/ CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/urho3d/inst/ -DURHO3D_STATIC_RUNTIME=ON -URHO3D_SAMPLES=ON -URHO3D_LUA=ON -URHO3D_C++11=ON
after that :
cd ~/urho3d/build
and output is
[ 52%] Building CXX object Source/Urho3D/CMakeFiles/Urho3D.dir/Revision.cpp.o
/home/sergboec/urho3d/src/Urho3D/Source/Urho3D/Revision.cpp: In function ?const char* Urho3D::GetRevision()?:
/home/sergboec/urho3d/src/Urho3D/Source/Urho3D/Revision.cpp:33:12: error: ?revision? was not declared in this scope
return revision;
I really can’t understand where revision declared