Hi everyone,
I have been trying to build the Urho3D samples into
using the
option on Windows 10, to test out the contribution from
earlier this year at
However I have been having issues for a few hours now so I am wondering if anyone else has gotten this to work? The full CMake configuration for Urho3D is done like this:
Urho3D CMake configuration parameters (cmake_emscripten.bat)
I want to note I updated the Emscripten SDK using
emsdk install sdk-1.37.18-64bit
My current Emscripten SDK activated environment looks like this:
Output of: emsdk active --global
LLVM_ROOT='C:/Program Files/Emscripten/clang/e1.37.18_64bit’
EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER='C:/Program Files/Emscripten/clang/e1.37.18_64bit/optimizer.exe’
BINARYEN_ROOT='C:/Program Files/Emscripten/clang/e1.37.18_64bit/binaryen’
NODE_JS='C:/Program Files/Emscripten/node/4.1.1_64bit/bin/node.exe’
PYTHON='C:/Program Files/Emscripten/python/’
JAVA='C:/Program Files/Emscripten/java/7.45_64bit/bin/java.exe’
SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE='C:/Program Files/Emscripten/spidermonkey/37.0.1_64bit/js.exe’
EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT='C:/Program Files/Emscripten/emscripten/1.37.18’
CRUNCH='C:/Program Files/Emscripten/crunch/1.03/crunch.exe’
MINGW_ROOT='C:/Program Files/Emscripten/mingw/7.1.0_64bit’
V8_ENGINE = ''
TEMP_DIR = 'c:/users/user/appdata/local/temp’
Setting environment variables:
EMSDK = C:/Program Files/Emscripten
The engine web lib file builds fine, but samples fail with like the following console output:
Console output of Sample Build Failure
mingw32-make 05_AnimatingScene
[ 1%] Built target PackageTool
[ 1%] Checking and packaging resource directories
Packaging C:/dev/proj/client/libsrc/Urho3D-1.6/bin/CoreData…
Packaging C:/dev/proj/client/libsrc/Urho3D-1.6/bin/Data…
[ 1%] Built target RESOURCE_CHECK
[ 12%] Built target Box2D
[ 12%] Built target JO
[ 22%] Built target FreeType
[ 22%] Built target rapidjson
[ 23%] Built target PugiXml
[ 24%] Built target LZ4
[ 25%] Built target StanHull
[ 47%] Built target SDL
[ 47%] Built target STB
[ 98%] Built target Urho3D
Scanning dependencies of target 05_AnimatingScene
[ 98%] Building CXX object Source/Samples/05_AnimatingScene/CMakeFiles/05_AnimatingScene.dir/AnimatingScene.cpp.o
[100%] Building CXX object Source/Samples/05_AnimatingScene/CMakeFiles/05_AnimatingScene.dir/Rotator.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable …\bin\05_AnimatingScene.js
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\PROGRA~1\EMSCRI~1\EMSCRI~1\137~1.18\em++”, line 16, in
File “C:\PROGRA~1\EMSCRI~1\EMSCRI~1\137~1.18\
”, line 622, in run
options, settings_changes, newargs = parse_args(newargs)
File “C:\PROGRA~1\EMSCRI~1\EMSCRI~1\137~1.18\
”, line 1873, in parse_args
options.pre_js += open(newargs[i+1]).read() + '\n’
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:/Program’
Source\Samples\05_AnimatingScene\CMakeFiles\05_AnimatingScene.dir\build.make:126: recipe for target ‘bin/05_AnimatingScene.js’ failed
mingw32-make[3]: *** [bin/05_AnimatingScene.js] Error 1
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:1165: recipe for target ‘Source/Samples/05_AnimatingScene/CMakeFiles/05_AnimatingScene.dir/all’ failed
mingw32-make[2]: *** [Source/Samples/05_AnimatingScene/CMakeFiles/05_AnimatingScene.dir/all] Error 2
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:1177: recipe for target ‘Source/Samples/05_AnimatingScene/CMakeFiles/05_AnimatingScene.dir/rule’ failed
mingw32-make[1]: *** [Source/Samples/05_AnimatingScene/CMakeFiles/05_AnimatingScene.dir/rule] Error 2
Makefile:391: recipe for target ‘05_AnimatingScene’ failed
mingw32-make: *** [05_AnimatingScene] Error 2
So to summarise (LD;DR)
- I pulled recently the latest master of Urho3D
- You can see I am using Emscripten SDK version 1.37.18 64bit.
- Web Library build is successful
- But Samples do not build successfully
I would be happy to provide more information if any wants it. If I can get this to work I will update it here. I think being able to build to WebAssembly is really something awesome and I hope maybe its a thing we can see working at least in 1.7?
P.S. In the mentioned thread I know cadaver managed to get building into WebAssembly working, however I have not been able to replicate his process to success obviously. Perhaps I am missing something stupid or using the wrong version of something somewhere?