Archive 19/01/2023.

Building samples on Mac OS X El Capitan


I was interested in building some of the sample apps, but being fairly clueless on The Ways Of Compilers asked on the IRC channel ( #urho3d on freenode) where valera_rozuvan was kind enough to point me to this post topic1088.html which helped a lot.

With a few tweaks, we managed to get the following together, which should compile samples on OS X:

SAMPLE_NAME=<name of sample (without .cpp)>



LIB_DIRS=$(Urho3D_LIB_DIRS) $(ThirdthParty_LIB_DIRS)
INCLUDE_DIRS=$(Urho3D_INC_DIRS) $(ThirdthParty_INC_DIRS) $(Urho3D_Samples_DIR)

FRAMEWORKS=-framework Cocoa -framework IOKit -framework AudioUnit -framework CoreAudio -framework ForceFeedback -framework Carbon -framework OpenGL




That’s cool. However, the subject of your post gives the impression that we need different Makefile template for El Capitan which it really doesn’t. There are still a few things missing in the template. Once your sample app goes a bit more complex then you will realize it.

For me, the easiest way to get an up-to-date Makefile is to let CMake generates it. Assuming the URHO3D_HOME is already being set correctly in the host system pointing to a natively built Urho3D build tree, then do this.

cd /path/to/your/Urho3D/project/root/where/Rakefile/resided && rake scaffolding dir=/tmp/MySample
cd /tmp/MySample && rake cmake build_tree=.

By default our build system should use Makefile generator, so the last command above should give a generated Makefile in the /tmp/MySample directory. If the auto-generated Makefile contains too much things for you then you can find the crux of the configuration in these two files: flags.make and link.txt found in /tmp/MySamples/CMakeFiles/Main.dir directory. You should see that information more or less available in the generated Urho3D.pc file (configuration file for pkg-config) as well. So, another sane approach is to use hand-crafted Makefile calling pkg-config tool internally to get all the details.

Now I am not saying what has been configured by our build system with the CMake is 100% correct (it is still under active development), but I can safely say using this approach you will get an up-to-date settings always. As we constantly improving our build system, the configuration you see today might get change later.


That’s great, ty weitjong. Now I have my project dir separate from the Urho3D sources :+1: