after a while I picked my project up again and so far have made some progress with this awesome eninge!
Doing so I have encountered a few things that are bothering me.
The build system is still not very consistend with the cmake conventions which has resulted in some trouble for my project:
I want to use a CMakeLists.txt in my project-root but when I do this the executable is always put out to $CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/…/Bin. I havent found a way to work around this, I guess its comes beacuse the Urho3D CMakeLists.txt resides in its Source Folder instead of the project root. Also quite confusing is the use of the macrof for setup_main_executable as those seem to do quite a lot of stuff which should be done by the using project itself like setting the exe type, modifying the includes&libraries etc. I`d much prefer a solution where the FindUrho3D.cmake sets the variables needed for setting up the executable (Urho3D_INCLUDE_DIRS and Urho3D_LIBRARIES, see
) and leaving that work to the project developer.
Regarding the logging I find it strange that, if you use Urho3D as a library you cant change the loglevel that was set when compiling and also the convenience macros like LOG_DEBUG wont work as they are disabled during compile time.