Archive 19/01/2023.

Build problem


Sorry if this is a known issue, I quickly check and couldn’t find something that would explain my problem.
I got 2 computer with the same kind of setting: Win10/Visual Studio 14.0
On both I just cloned the repo at latest. Generate a project for Vs14 x64 using Cmake(UI), the only settings I modify from the default config are c++11 and d3d11.

Nothing fency.

First computer everything works like a charm, link build post-build steps, everything.

The other computer however… always get stuck on the same step, starting to generate lua binding: “Generating tolua++ API binding on the fly for Audio”

And I can’t really figure out why. I suspected something with the admin rights on win10 but both computer have the same.

Any hint on what I’m doing wrong would be highly appreciated.


Can you post a verbose output of the build log? On windows you can use:

cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" .. nmake VERBOSE=1

This might reveal more about where exactly it is getting stuck.


Here`s the build output:

Cmake verbose is on.


Hm, not very helpful unfortunately.

You could try invoking tulua++ manually from the command line and see if that works. tolua++ should be in the folder [color=#000080]Build\bin\tool\tolua++.exe[/color].

If you look at [color=#000080]Source/Urho3D/CMakeLists.txt:194[/color] you can figure out how it is invoked:

foreach (API_PKG_FILE ${API_PKG_FILES}) get_filename_component (NAME ${API_PKG_FILE} NAME) string (REGEX REPLACE LuaAPI\\.pkg$ "" DIR ${NAME}) set (GEN_CPP_FILE LuaScript/generated/${DIR}LuaAPI.cpp) list (APPEND GEN_CPP_FILES ${GEN_CPP_FILE}) file (GLOB PKG_FILES LuaScript/pkgs/${DIR}/*.pkg) add_custom_command (OUTPUT ${GEN_CPP_FILE} COMMAND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/tool/tolua++ -E ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} -L ToCppHook.lua -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${GEN_CPP_FILE} ${NAME} DEPENDS tolua++ ${API_PKG_FILE} ${PKG_FILES} LuaScript/pkgs/ToCppHook.lua WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/LuaScript/pkgs COMMENT "Generating tolua++ API binding on the fly for ${DIR}") endforeach ()

You’ll need to CD to WORKING_DIRECTORY [color=#000080]Source/Urho3D/LuaScript/pkgs[/color] then execute something like this (warning, not tested):


Ok based on the CMakeLists.txt and your comment I tried to call from a cmd with admin rights the equivalent of the custom command that is supposed to be launch from cmake.
Got the exact same result, the command goes through (by that I mean I don`t get any error) but never return, it just hang in the tolua process forever…

I wonder if I can attach to the tolua process if I build it in debug and see what’s going on in there.

I`ll try that eventually.

Thank you by the way.
If you happen to have anything else I could try I’ll be glad to hear about it. :slight_smile:


Oh boy… I think I found the culprit…
On my second computer I don t have the same antivirus.. Appears that Avast is one little sneaky bast*** I put it on hold for 10 min just so I can try something else and know it's building! Worst part is it doesn't tell me anything, not a single pop-up, log or anything. It just try to run a deepscan on the tolua++.exe (because... reasons... you know..) and endup on a softlock.. That also explain why I couldn t kill the tolua process.

Thank you for your help again, turns out (as I suspected) the problem was on my side.

I guess that post can be mark as resolve.

I feel stupid not thinking about the antivirus right away…

If I can suggest to add a not somewhere on the “How to build” page, just so others don`t run into the same pb. Worst case they’ll hopefully find that post.

Anyway thanks again!
