Archive 19/01/2023.

Bugs for TypeInfo::IsTypeOf?


I found following code in class Object,

bool TypeInfo::IsTypeOf(const TypeInfo* typeInfo) const
    const TypeInfo* current = this;
    while (current)
        if (current == typeInfo)
            return true;

        current = current->GetBaseTypeInfo();

    return false;

I think it should be

bool TypeInfo::IsTypeOf(const TypeInfo* typeInfo) const
    const TypeInfo* current = this;
    while (current)
        if (current->GetType() == typeInfo->GetType())
            return true;

        current = current->GetBaseTypeInfo();

    return false;


bool TypeInfo::IsTypeOf(const TypeInfo* typeInfo) const
     assert(typeInfo ~= nullptr);
     return this->IsTypeOf(typeInfo->GetType());

Not a bug. The TypeInfo’s are static and produced within the URHO3D_OBJECT macro.

If there’s a bug with comparing two static pointers that have never seen any sort of erroneous conversion (ie. to int/uint instead of intptr_t), then it’s a bug with the compiler used.