Archive 19/01/2023.

BoundingBox With Custom Mesh (Polyvox)


Hello Urho Community,

I’m using Polyvox to create an object with just vertexes. I can create the model and render it.

However I can’t seem to get the bounding box to match up with the model.

Is there a way to set the bounding box from the geometry? I’m not sure how to approach this without manually setting the bounding box.

Thanks in advance!

Model* createVoxels()

		const size_t num_indices = surfaceMesh.getNoOfIndices();
		const size_t num_vertices = surfaceMesh.getNoOfVertices();

		std::vector<unsigned short> indexData;


		vertexData.resize(num_vertices * 3); // vertex + normal
		for (size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
			vertexData[i * 3 + 0] = surfaceMesh.getVertex(i).position.getX();
			vertexData[i * 3 + 1] = surfaceMesh.getVertex(i).position.getY();
			vertexData[i * 3 + 2] = surfaceMesh.getVertex(i).position.getZ();
			//vertexData[i * 6 + 3] = surfaceMesh.getVertex(i).normal.getX();
			//vertexData[i * 6 + 4] = surfaceMesh.getVertex(i).normal.getY();
			//vertexData[i * 6 + 5] = surfaceMesh.getVertex(i).normal.getZ();

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_indices ; j++) 
			indexData[j] = surfaceMesh.getIndex(j);

		vb_ = (new VertexBuffer(context_));
		ib_ = (new IndexBuffer(context_));

		vb_-> SetShadowed(true);
		vb_->SetSize(num_vertices, MASK_POSITION);

		ib_->SetSize(num_indices, false);

float size = 30.0;
geom_ = (new Geometry(context_));
geom_->SetVertexBuffer(0, vb_);
geom_->SetDrawRange(TRIANGLE_LIST, 0, ib_->GetIndexCount());

testModel = (new Model(context_));
testModel->SetNumGeometryLodLevels(0, 1);
testModel->SetGeometry(0, 0, geom_);

BoundingBox * bb = new BoundingBox();
// Define the model buffers and bounding box
PODVector<unsigned> emptyMorphRange;
//testModel->SetVertexBuffers(vertexData[0], emptyMorphRange, emptyMorphRange);
//	testModel->SetIndexBuffers(dlibVector);
testModel->SetBoundingBox(BoundingBox(Vector3(-1, -1, -1)*size, Vector3(1,1,1)*size));

return testModel;



This might do it:

//Merge an array of vertices. 
BoundingBox::Merge (const Vector3 *vertices, unsigned count)

Or the same arguments with BoundingBox::Define or its constructor.