Archive 19/01/2023.

Blending vertices



I’m using VertexBuffer to generate some vertices.
I’m using a 3rd party library that seems to create “layers” of vertices with the same position.


float* dest = (float*)vertexBuffer_->Lock(0, draw->TotalVertices, true);

for (int i = 0; i < draw->LayerCount; i++)
        DrawList* dl = draw->Layer[i];

        for (int j = 0; j < dl->VertexBuffer.Size(); j++)
                VertBuffer vb = dl->VertexBuffer[j];
                *dest++ = vb.pos.x;
                *dest++ = vb.pos.y;
                *dest++ = 0.f; // that library doesn't provide any Z coord so I think the issues is here...
                ... // color
                ... // uv     


When the 3rd party library have 1 layer, everything works correctly but when it have more than 1 I see some artifacts with alpha channel.
Is possible to blend those “layers”?


Here is a code snippet on how Bullet’s softbody data is copied to Urho vbuff:

            unsigned char* pVertexData = (unsigned char*)vb_->Lock(0, vb_->GetVertexCount());
            // copy bullet's softbody data to vertex buffer
            if (pVertexData)
                unsigned numVertices = vb_->GetVertexCount();
                unsigned vertexSize = vb_->GetVertexSize();
                unsigned uElementMask = vb_->GetElementMask();
                for (int i = 0; i < body_->m_nodes.size(); ++i)
                    btSoftBody::Node& n = body_->m_nodes[i];
                    unsigned char *pDataAlign = (pVertexData + i * vertexSize);

                    // position
                    if ( uElementMask & MASK_POSITION )
                        Vector3 &src = *reinterpret_cast<Vector3*>( pDataAlign );
                        src = ToVector3( n.m_x );
                        pDataAlign += sizeof( Vector3 );

                    // normal
                    if ( uElementMask & MASK_NORMAL )
                        Vector3 &normal = *reinterpret_cast<Vector3*>( pDataAlign );
                        normal = ToVector3( n.m_n );
                        pDataAlign += sizeof( Vector3 );

Problem with yours is that it’s missing:

unsigned char *pDataAlign = (pVertexData + i * vertexSize);

to align to a correct buffer offset in the j-loop.

            vertexBuffer_->SetSize(draw->TotalVertices, Urho3D::MASK_POSITION | Urho3D::MASK_COLOR | Urho3D::MASK_TEXCOORD1, true);

            unsigned char* dataAlign = (dest + i * vertexSize);

            if (elementMask & Urho3D::MASK_POSITION)
                Urho3D::Vector3& src = *reinterpret_cast<Urho3D::Vector3*>(dataAlign);
                src = Urho3D::Vector3(vert.pos.x, vert.pos.y, 0.f);
                dataAlign += sizeof(Urho3D::Vector3);

            if (elementMask & Urho3D::MASK_COLOR)
                unsigned int& src = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(dataAlign);
                src = vert.col;
                dataAlign += sizeof(unsigned int);

            if (elementMask & Urho3D::MASK_TEXCOORD1)
                Urho3D::Vector2& src = *reinterpret_cast<Urho3D::Vector2*>(dataAlign);
                src = Urho3D::Vector2(vert.uv.x, vert.uv.y);
                dataAlign += sizeof(Urho3D::Vector2);

Its hard to explain but in short its better than before but still have issues.


I don’t see your entire source code, but I’m guessing there’s still the layer i-loop and the dl->VertexBuffer j-loop. If that’s the case then your urho vbuff index would be incremented as:


float* dest = (float*)vertexBuffer_->Lock(0, draw->TotalVertices, true);
unsigned idxVBuff = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < draw->LayerCount; i++)
DrawList* dl = draw->Layer[i];

    for (int j = 0; j < dl->VertexBuffer.Size(); j++)
            VertBuffer vb = dl->VertexBuffer[j];
           unsigned char* dataAlign = (dest + [b]idxVBuff++[/b] * vertexSize);

. . .

Secondly, if you adjust the vbuff then you may have to also tweak your indexbuff.
set your vertex triangle draw order

And lastly, having adjusted your vbuff and ibuff, you’ll need to reset the geometry draw range by calling:
pGeometry->SetDrawRange( pGeometry->GetPrimitiveType(), 0, pIbuffer->GetIndexCount(), 0, pVbuffer->GetVertexCount() );


I don’t get what you mean by

“Secondly, if you adjust the vbuff then you may have to also tweak your indexbuff.
set your vertex triangle draw order”.

How do I access the draw order?

I also don’t have access to geometry as I only use IndexBuffer and VertexBuffer.
Could be this the issue? Should I use a Geometry instead of simple IndexBuffer and VertexBuffer?


Maybe your DrawList* dl has the triangle list?

You don’t need geometry. It’s just my preference to modify Model->Geometry->VertexBuffer and ->IndexBuffe to avoid writing anything else unrelated.


That was an abstract type I wrote to keep things simple. Here is the full code.

void GUI::Draw(ImDrawData* draw_data)
    Urho3D::Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem<Urho3D::Graphics>();

    ImDrawList** const cmd_lists = draw_data->CmdLists;
    int cmd_lists_count = draw_data->CmdListsCount;

    if (cmd_lists_count == 0)

    vertexBuffer_->SetSize(draw_data->TotalVtxCount + 500, Urho3D::MASK_POSITION | Urho3D::MASK_COLOR | Urho3D::MASK_TEXCOORD1, true);
    indexBuffer_->SetSize(draw_data->TotalIdxCount + 1000, true);
    // Lock vertices and indices
    unsigned char* vtx_dst = (unsigned char*)vertexBuffer_->Lock(0, draw_data->TotalVtxCount, true);
    unsigned* idx_dst = (unsigned*)indexBuffer_->Lock(0, draw_data->TotalIdxCount, true);

    unsigned idxVBuff = 0;

    for (int n = 0; n < draw_data->CmdListsCount; n++)
        const ImDrawList* cmd_list = draw_data->CmdLists[n];

        unsigned int numVertices = vertexBuffer_->GetVertexCount();
        unsigned int vertexSize = vertexBuffer_->GetVertexSize();
        unsigned int elementMask = vertexBuffer_->GetElementMask();

        for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list->VtxBuffer.size(); i++)
            ImDrawVert vert = cmd_list->VtxBuffer[i];

            unsigned char* dataAlign = (vtx_dst + idxVBuff++ * vertexSize);//(vtx_dst + i * vertexSize);

            *reinterpret_cast<Urho3D::Vector3*>(dataAlign) = Urho3D::Vector3(vert.pos.x, vert.pos.y, 0.f);
            dataAlign += sizeof(Urho3D::Vector3);

            *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(dataAlign) = vert.col;
            dataAlign += sizeof(unsigned int);

            *reinterpret_cast<Urho3D::Vector2*>(dataAlign) = Urho3D::Vector2(vert.uv.x, vert.uv.y);
            dataAlign += sizeof(Urho3D::Vector2);

        for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list->IdxBuffer.size(); i++)
            ImDrawIdx idx = cmd_list->IdxBuffer[i];
            idx_dst[i] = idx;



Where you populate the vbuff and ibuff looks okay to me. I’m not sure about the below:

. . .
graphics->Draw(Urho3D::TRIANGLE_LIST, idx_offset, pcmd->ElemCount, vtx_offset, 0, cmd_list->VtxBuffer.size()); // not sure if you need vtx_offset since the triangle list starts from 0??

        idx_offset += pcmd->ElemCount; // not sure if this should be idx_offset += elemcount * 3; if each element is a triangle

    vtx_offset += cmd_list->VtxBuffer.size(); // is this needed since there's only a single vbuff and the triangle list starts from 0??

. . .


What about your indexbuffer index in:
for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list->IdxBuffer.size(); i++)
ImDrawIdx idx = cmd_list->IdxBuffer[i];
idx_dst[i] = idx;

Shouldn’t that be set like what you did with idxVBuff?:
int idxIBuff = 0;
idx_dst[idxIBuff++] = idx;


Oh yea seems to work. Thank you very much!


Ok, cool.

I thought of one more thing. If your cmd_list->IdxBuffer has a triangle order specific to cmd_list->VtxBuffer then you might need to account for where the current index offset is:

int curIndexOffset = idxIBuff;

for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list->IdxBuffer.size(); i++)
ImDrawIdx idx = cmd_list->IdxBuffer[i];
idx_dst[ idxIBuff++ ] = idx + curIndexOffset;


IdxBuffer is just an array of ImDrawIdx. ImDrawIdx is unsigned int.
The previous code seems to work correctly. I think the issue was the index of the Urho3D::IndexBuffer, I forgot to keep in mind the extra counter :slight_smile:


Ok, if it’s working.

Now, a pic of what’s working would be cool :slight_smile:


Here :stuck_out_tongue:


That looks awesome! Gratz!

lol about “TNX LUMAK” haha, and you’re welcome! :slight_smile: