Archive 19/01/2023.

Billboardwrapper WorldPosition



I need the WorldPosition of a BillboardWrapper.
The WorldPosition method exists for nodes but not for BillboardWrapper.
So I create a node in the BillboardSet node at the BillboardWrapper position.
Then I get this node WorldPosition before I remove it.
This is processor consuming and I observe time lag. Is there a faster solution to get a BillboardWrapper WorldPosition?


This is my code (sorry, it is C#)

                    BillboardWrapper bbi = StarsBbs.GetBillboardSafe(StarsBillboardItems[starText.Key]);
                    //BillboardWrapper bbi;
                    //StarsBillboardItems.TryGetValue(starText.Key, out bbi);
                    if (bbi != null)
                        offset = (int)(App.StarsData[starText.Key].StarSize * 20);

                        Node nodeStar = nodeBbs.CreateChild(name: "star");
                        nodeStar.Position = bbi.Position;
                        Vector3 starPosition = nodeStar.WorldPosition;
                        IntVector2 v2 = viewport.WorldToScreenPoint(starPosition);

In c++ you can use

worldPos = StarsBbs->LocalToWorld(bbi.position_);

I don’t use C# so i have no idea how to do this in C# Sorry


Thank you, that is what I was looking for.
It is 10 times faster!

IntVector2 v2 = viewport.WorldToScreenPoint(nodeBbs.LocalToWorld(bbi.Position));