For building Android targets, i think there are two ways:
Building the whole Android target, including it’s own sources (the sources of our games) following instructions in the wiki.
Ok, you have to rebuild all everytime you want to test something different. Why not. -
Using precompilated libs and Urho3d player, found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/urho3d/files/Urho3D/1.6/
As i’m only using Urho3DPlayer , i’m interested doing this.
Is it possible ?
I guess it would be something like this:
2a) creating an empty android project , by copying the
folder from the sources.
I’ve copied it in my /tmp folder.
/tmp/Android$ tree
??? AndroidManifest.xml
??? assets
??? build.xml
??? CopyData.bat
??? custom_rules.xml
??? project.properties
??? res
??? ??? drawable
??? ??? ??? logo_large.png
??? ??? drawable-hdpi
??? ??? ??? icon.png
??? ??? drawable-ldpi
??? ??? ??? icon.png
??? ??? drawable-mdpi
??? ??? ??? icon.png
??? ??? layout
??? ??? ??? samples_list_text_view.xml
??? ??? ??? samples_list.xml
??? ??? ??? scripts_list.xml
??? ??? values
??? ??? strings.xml
??? src
??? com
??? ??? github
??? ??? urho3d
??? ??? SampleLauncher.java
??? ??? ScriptPicker.java
??? ??? Urho3D.java
??? org
??? libsdl
??? app
??? SDLActivity.java
Ok now, i guess that i have three more things to do:
2b) copying my script(s) and data somewhere in assets
2c) copying pre-compilated Android libs and Urho3DPlayer somewhere in the project tree. But where ?
2d) modifying Urho3D.java for calling the Urho3DPlayer instead of running sample put in externals libs (done by default).
and only , i could hope that running ant debug would compile java files into dex, and builds the whole APK.
Is it possible doing something like this ?
Thank you!