Inspired by the “ToDoxHook.lua” file, I’ve prepared generator for an auto-completion list of Lua functions/properties for the MIT licensed Zerobrane IDE and maybe eventually other IDEs.
Before sending/committing to you, I had few question about the logic and possibilities:
[ul][li]Should I exclude the 1st level of auto-completion for classes available in the Global Properties? (ex.: “audio” only would be available in the list and “Audio” would not be visible but will be used as reference for this class auto-completion)[/li]
[li]Does the Lua function reflect new object creations via Object:new() or only Object() directly?[/li]
[li]Along with the constructors, is there destruction functions in Lua? (does ~Object() is possible in Lua? If not, does Object:destroy() exists? Else-wise, returning an object as “nil” will be garbage collected?)[/li][/ul]
I also plan later to give a try (unless aster goes ahead
) to fetch description comments (///) from the C++ equivalent functions using the header includes from the packages and match them with the Lua function for the tool-tip description from the auto-completion in Zerobrane.