Archive 19/01/2023.

Animation Blending with Controller


So I have gotten animation blending working with animation and animation state. I have not gotten this to work with an animation controller however. If I read the docs right I create an animation state then assign that to a layer. I then use the layer in the animation controller. It does not play both animations together. Like it did before using the animation controller.


const int LAYER_MOVE = 1;
const int LAYER_ATTACK = 0;

		Animation* combat_sword_idle = cache->GetResource<Animation>("Models/combat_sword_move_front.ani");
		Animation* combat_sword_melee2 = cache->GetResource<Animation>("Models/combat_sword_melee2.ani");

		Bone* root = modelObject2->GetSkeleton().GetBone("spine");

		state = modelObject2->AddAnimationState(combat_sword_idle);

		state2 = modelObject2->AddAnimationState(combat_sword_melee2);

		swordmelee->Play("Models/combat_sword_melee2.ani", LAYER_ATTACK, true, 0.5f);
		swordIdle->Play("Models/combat_sword_move_front.ani", LAYER_MOVE, true, 0.5f);

In the comments of the skeletal animation example it states:

Create an AnimationState for a walk animation. Its time position will need to be manually updated to advance the animation. The alternative would be to use an AnimationController component which updates the animation automatically.

There should be one AnimationController per AnimatedModel and not one for each animation. Telling the AC to play an animation automatically adds an AnimationState for that animation.


I did have one controller when I initially started it. I still could not get it to work the same as without the controller.


Okay I think I tracked it down. Thanks

I thought I would post the code for someone in the future.

If you want to blend lets say a melee animation while your character or NPC is running or walking.

First create a layer.

const int LAYER_MOVE = 0;
const int LAYER_ATTACK = 1;

LAYER_MOVE has a zero value this means it is the most important animation. It is always playing. Then the LAYER_ATTACK is a one. It is only used with some logic.“This animation is not always playing”.

Then create a animation controller. AnimationController* YOURNODE->CreateComponent<AnimationController>();

Animation* combat_sword_idle = cache->GetResource<Animation>("Models/combat_sword_move_front.ani");
Animation* combat_sword_melee2 = cache->GetResource<Animation>("Models/combat_sword_melee2.ani");

Bone* root = modelObject2->GetSkeleton().GetBone("spine");

state = modelObject2->AddAnimationState(combat_sword_idle);
state->SetWeight(1.0f); This is set to 1.0 because the moving animation is the most important.

state2 = modelObject2->AddAnimationState(combat_sword_melee2);
state2->SetStartBone(root); // This animation is for upper body only. So we must set start bone.

Then in your main loop or where ever you handle the logic to choose the next animation.

swordIdle->Play("Models/combat_sword_melee2.ani", LAYER_ATTACK, true, 0.1f);
state2->SetWeight(0.75f); // This is to blend with the current moving animation.

After the animation is finsihed you must call. Otherwise animation will keep playing or character will stop if animation does not loop.


Make sure to have a look at the public methods in AnimationController.h to get an idea of other ways this component may be used. I get the feeling you are mixing methods, but it might be legitimate.

I read this as:
“An AnimationController component is an alternative to creating AnimationState s.”


@Modanung I thought this as well. I felt like I was mixing methods. That is why I created this thread. I think my issue was the state weight. When I tell the NPC to play the melee animation and don’t set the state weight for that animation state things do not work correctly.

I did not see a way to set weights if I use just an animation controller. That is what had me confused.


Also I looked at the Ninja project in C++. They use an animation controller as well. However how would I be able to set the start bone for the melee animation just using a controller?


bool AnimationController::SetWeight(const String& name, float weight)
bool AnimationController::SetStartBone(const String& name, const String& startBoneName)

Oh wow. Thanks man. I will make my changes, and post back.


These are all the public animation controller functions at your disposal:


Okay so I removed all the animation state methods. Everything is just using one controller, and the controller methods. Everything seems to be working great. Thanks for all the help.


You’re welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe the skeletal animation sample should include the method demonstrated in NinjaSnowWar, like a 50/50 spread possibly with differently coloured models.
@GodMan This might be a nice opportunity for you to dip your toes into the PR stream, at your convenience of course. What do you say?


Sure. I would not mind helping. Maybe I can make a small demo. Really barebones so other users can understand it. Instead of other projects that have a lot of other things going on in the code.


I think it would be best to extend sample six, since - although different - both methods do concern skeletal animation. If you do, be sure to read the coding conventions beforehand:

Also note that samples come in three languages: C++ , AngelScript and Lua .


I might do the C++ part. I don’t have too much experience with AS,Lua.


The samples could function as your Rosetta Stone. :slightly_smiling_face:
AS is almost identical to C++. But maybe you would like some feedback on the C++ form even if you were also to create the others after that.