Archive 19/01/2023.

AnimatedModel difference between editor and application


I loaded AnimatedModel in editor, manually rotated bones and then saved the scene.
When i load this scene in editor, the bones nodes are rotated as saved. However when I load the scene in my angel script application then the bone rotations are reset to the rest positions. I checked the editor loading code but didn’t find why the results are different.
I’m loading by:

File loadFile(fileSystem.programDir + "Data/Scenes/HospitalRoom.xml", FILE_READ); scene_.LoadXML(loadFile);

Ps. I know that I should probably create animation or Animation state for that, but the question is what makes loading of the same scene different.


When you are manipulating an AnimatedModel’s bones manually, you should disable animation applying from them. Otherwise it’s a matter of luck that the bone transforms stay. The function where the skeleton reset happens is AnimatedModel::UpdateAnimation().

The inconsistency between editor and your application sounds odd; what may be different is that the editor doesn’t update the scene until you press the play button.

Take a look at the Ragdoll sample to see how it disables animation from bones:

// Disable keyframe animation from all bones so that they will not interfere with the ragdoll
AnimatedModel@ model = node.GetComponent("AnimatedModel");
Skeleton@ skeleton = model.skeleton;
for (uint i = 0; i < skeleton.numBones; ++i)
    skeleton.bones[i].animated = false;

Unfortunately the “animated” property of each bone can not be exposed as an easily editable attribute, but you could momentarily attach (in the editor) a script into your AnimatedModel node which does the above step.


I’ve pushed a fix related to this; there were unnecessary calls to trigger an animation update, even with no animation states. However, what I said generally applies especially if you want to combine animation states and manual bone update.


Thanks, works great.