Archive 19/01/2023.

Angle of momentum


Hello I have problem with getting angle of momentum…
I try,

but in result angle is sometime various.

[quote]90 0
86.8584 0
89.4495 0
92.0204 0
88.3266 0
90.9573 0
88.9929 0
90.3807 0
88.314 0
90.9475 0
89.0523 0
89.7019 0
87.9325 0
88.4162 0
92.6041 0
88.2135 0
89.1015 0
90.2773 0
90.4791 0
90.3192 0
90.2573 0
90.2098 0
90.2577 0
90.207 0
90.0368 0
90.0591 0
90.0433 0
90.0309 0
90.3281 0
93.2592 0
94.6764 0
95.9842 0
88.3735 0
84.8422 0
88.0211 0
91.1479 0
87.8885 0
91.0308 0
88.3128 0
91.924 0
88.7121 0
91.9258 0
87.7296 0
90.9954 0
88.2126 0
91.4525 0
86.1206 0
90.2706 0
92.9855 0
94.4474 0
86.9647 0
90.4604 0
87.9629 0
89.0636 0
89.0923 0
89.3138 0
89.461 0
89.5649 0
89.7147 0
89.768 0
89.7574 0
89.8213 0
89.8571 0
89.8871 0
89.9102 0
89.9309 0
90.6152 0
93.3258 0
94.6627 0
91.3123 0
84.5502 0
85.4823 0
88.2816 0
92.1724 0
89.2238 0
90.1235 0
89.8867 0
89.9726 0
89.9759 0
90.3984 0
90.4271 0
89.8219 0
89.7846 0
89.8914 0
89.8837 0
89.928 0
90.371 0
90.2964 0
87.8739 0
88.9125 0
89.239 0
93.5719 0
91.8887 0
90.7394 0
94.414 0
86.9725 0
91.7013 0
87.8652 0
92.6233 0
87.5722 0
92.4746 0
87.4988 0
92.4564 0
87.5251 0
92.6016 0
87.4284 0
92.5506 0
87.3956 0
87.0201 0
90.5878 0
82.186 0
93.6725 0
78.439 0
82.0083 0
84.2658 0
85.4207 0
92.6069 0
84.8407 0
86.3338 0
101.943 0
96.3925 0
101.198 0
89.2773 0
80.7922 0
95.3657 0
79.4658 0
96.3329 0
79.8507 0
97.2567 0
79.5661 0
98.3715 0
79.2131 0
99.5731 0
78.6107 0
100.617 0
77.7765 0
101.904 0
76.6828 0
103.211 0
75.3056 0
104.902 0
73.558 0
75.826 0
110.873 0
72.29 0
74.4631 0
117.812 0
68.8545 0
70.9105 0
72.5382 0
73.7361 0
139.373 0
58.9024 0
58.9044 0
57.0267 0
51.2917 0
34.7038 0
1.56268 0
0.571785 0
0.715206 0
0.894669 0
1.12266 0
1.41137 0
1.77371 0
2.2315 0
2.79286 0
3.48745 0
4.31134 0
5.3891 0
6.72752 0
8.39058 0
10.4507 0
13.0001 0
16.1566 0
19.8808 0
24.1938 0
29.3192 0
35.054 0

41.1825 0
47.5173 0
53.858 0
59.7332 0
65.0347 0
69.5963 0
73.4226 0
76.318 0
79.1997 0
81.4119 0
82.8636 0
84.3231 0
85.4725 0
86.2074 0
87.2595 0
79.1521 0
90.8852 0
90.3046 0
89.8405 0
89.0146 0
91.6942 0
87.7426 0
90.2315 0
89.3781 0
89.258 0
0 0[/quote]

car is still 90degre and I get result like that 5.3891… I don’t know what.

Someone can help ?


Can you record what rb_car->GetLinearVelocity().z_ and rb_car->GetLinearVelocity().y_ are for each of these?

I have a feeling that you will need to normalize your linear velocity first. Something like:

[code]auto linearVelocity = rb_car->GetLinearVelocity().Normalized();

atan2f(linearVelocity .z_, linearVelocity .y_)*(180.0f/MATH_PI_f)[/code]

Additionally, please note that physics is done in world-space, whereas each node will have its own local space as defined by its parent.


After normalize nothing changes, same problem :frowning:

log of rb_ca->GetLinearVelocity():

Why X axis oscillates - and + (3.30514e-005 next -5.59745e-005 ) I dont understand this …


is GetAngularVelocity() relevant?


I want make simple movement model of car.
When car go forward , not turn left or right, then friction as if very small.
So all racing track as a model have small friction 0.1, car as well.
But when momentum of car and car direction is opposite then friction increase. In case, momentum 0 degree, car direction 90 degree. They are somewhat orthogonal then friction goes 0.8(of cource all is interpolated when angle 78 the friction 0.62 for instance).
I want simualte friction by “ApplyForce” but I need angle :frowning:

PS. I know that I have sample of vechicle in examples but I don’t want this denouement…


You could try to use relative rotation constraint with a cylinder or capsule to create a wheel with high friction and let the physics happen organically.
Not sure how stable this solution will be, or if it will be able to achieve good control.


Try averaging the info over a set of frames. I’m sure you’re going to get better results over 5 frames than your per-frame results.