Archive 19/01/2023.

Android NDK camera api and Texture2D


Hello community it is me again,

and again i bother you with camera texture stuff. As some of you know i used a Texture2D for displaying a camera stream from my androids color camera, this was working well as i used googles project tango where i did only need to bind via GLuint

Now i found this useful tutorial

it allowed me to capture the camera stream myself and now i want to get rid off this Tango function.

The important part building a camera capturing session with the ndk is the following code, assume that surface is of type jobject, passed via jni from GLSurfaceView.

  // Prepare surface
textureId = texId;
textureWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface(env, surface);

// Prepare outputs for session
ACaptureSessionOutput_create(textureWindow, &textureOutput);
ACaptureSessionOutputContainer_add(outputs, textureOutput);

// Create the session
ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession(cameraDevice, outputs, &sessionStateCallbacks, &textureSession);

// Prepare request for texture target
ACameraDevice_createCaptureRequest(cameraDevice, TEMPLATE_PREVIEW, &textureRequest);

ACameraOutputTarget_create(textureWindow, &textureTarget);
ACaptureRequest_addTarget(textureRequest, textureTarget);

// Start capturing continuously
ACameraCaptureSession_setRepeatingRequest(textureSession, &captureCallbacks, 1,   &textureRequest, nullptr);

So now my question does anyone know how i can add the urho Texture2D into the output container?

auto surface = cameraTexture->GetRenderSurface()->GetSurface();
auto target = cameraTexture->GetRenderSurface()->GetTarget();
auto id = (int)cameraTexture->GetGPUObjectName();

Above are some parameter i can extract but i don’t know how to add this texture through the camera capture session output. Maybe anyone already did work with ndk camera api.

Best Regards


Still a open task, if you need more details feel free to ask. :wink:


You could hack Texture2D to be able to receive texture from int. It also seems possible to subclass Texture2D and access the texture_ member without modifying the engine code.
I would probably have done this the other way around, copying the contents of that cameraTexture to a texture from Urho3D by using glReadPixels. That however will be a bit CPU intensive depending on the resolution of the camera.


Thank you for your answer going through CPU is something which should be avoided under all circumstances. The cpu has to do a lot of other things in my case ;). I already did a fork for myself where i adjusted things like that, but i believe this is just not documented or well explored. The fact that we can access the Surface, Target as well as the RenderSurface of a Texture2D should provide us with enough information to give this ndk api a proper texture target for its output container. I just can’t figure out exactly how :smiley: