Archive 19/01/2023.

Android how to get error message sometimes little change gives me just crash


i using android studio when i try this works

void UrhoApp::CreateText() {
auto *cache = GetSubsystem();
SharedPtr helloText(new Text(context_));
helloText->SetFont(cache->GetResource(“Fonts/Anonymous Pro.ttf”), 30);
helloText->SetColor(Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

then i try this doesnt work

void UrhoApp::CreateText() {
auto *cache = GetSubsystem();
SharedPtr helloText(new Text(context_));
helloText->SetFont(cache->GetResource(“Fonts/Anonymous Pro.ttf”), 30);
helloText->SetColor(Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

// gives me this error

V/SDL: onStart()
V/SDL: onResume()
I/AdrenoGLES-0: QUALCOMM build : e883189, Ia11ce2d146
Build Date : 09/02/20
OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.31.04.00
Local Branch : gfx-adreno.lnx.2.0
Remote Branch : quic/gfx-adreno.lnx.2.0
Remote Branch : NONE
Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
Build Config : S L 10.0.5 AArch64
Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/
V/SDL: surfaceCreated()
V/SDL: surfaceChanged()
pixel format RGB_565
Window size: 1920x991
Device size: 1920x1080
I/AdrenoGLES-0: PFP: 0x005ff113, ME: 0x005ff066
W/AdrenoUtils: <ReadGpuID_from_sysfs:197>: Failed to open /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/gpu_model
ReadGpuID:221 : Failed to read chip ID from gpu_model. Fallback to use the GSL path
V/SDL: Running main function SDL_main from library
E/SDL: nativeRunMain(): Couldn’t find function SDL_main in library
V/SDL: Finished main function
I/Gralloc4: mapper 4.x is not supported
W/Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported
V/SDL: onPause()
V/SDL: surfaceDestroyed()
V/SDL: onStop()
D/QueuedWork: waited: [<1: 0, <2: 0, <4: 0, <8: 0, <16: 0, <32: 0, <64: 0, <128: 0, <256: 0, <512: 0, <1024: 1, <2048: 0, <4096: 0, <8192: 0, <16384: 0, >=16384: 0]
V/SDL: onDestroy()
V/SDL: SDLActivity thread ends
W/System: A resource failed to call close.
W/System: A resource failed to call close.
I/Choreographer: Skipped 38 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.


That one useful comment aside, I don’t see any differences between those code snippets.
If you posted the correct code then I would guess the issue lies somewhere else.