Archive 19/01/2023.

[Android] HD: Hexagon Defense


After a week of prototyping, then a week of porting and polishing, I am proud to announce my first mobile game, Hexagon Defense ! A very simple game of quick thinking, reflexes, and a bit of luck, HD can be picked up and played in seconds. The app’s target audience is my fellow high school students, who love anything that they can play to fill the free time in their day. I’d been looking into Urho for some time now, as it looks like a very well produced engine. I was going to use it for Ludum Dare 31, but at the time I was not familiar with the engine. Prototyped in less than a week by myself a few friends, this was my project to finally learn Urho, and it’s left me wanting to use it even more. I’m excited to see what else I can accomplish with Urho.

Special thanks to the Urho forums and especially the IRC!

You can pick up HD: Hexagon Defense on the Google Play Store .


It says, it’s incompatible with all of my devices. Among which: Samsung galaxy tab SM-T800 and Philips I928 - pretty powerful devices.

edit: there is an IRC and it is active? I should probably check it out.


Hey congrats :slight_smile:


Hmm, the google play store says that the game is unavailable in my country (Finland). I was going to try if it works on my other phone that has android 4.4. I noticed that when I use the 64bit ndk-compiler (I think this forces it to use api level 21+, and requires lollipop), the apk that comes out of urho doesn’t run on my samsun galaxy J, that uses android 4.4.

Anyways, congratulations on making a game, that is something I myself wish to be able to achieve in the future as well.


Looks like programmer art. I’d recommend redoing the visuals to make it more appealing