Archive 19/01/2023.

Access violation in script method?


So, I’m trying to expose some simple methods via Angelscript in one of my projects. The basic logistics of hooking up the script stuff is all working great. For instance, as a sanity check, the following method is exposed properly and runs as you would expect:

void AppAPI::LoadModel(String path)

When I try to actually do something in that same function (see below), I get an access violation error:

void AppAPI::LoadModel(String path)

The actual error is:

“The thread tried to read from or write to an address for which it does not have the appropriate access”

Here is my little API class in its entirety:

#include "AppAPI.h"
#include "AppConsole.h"
#include <Urho3D/Script/APITemplates.h>

AppAPI* AppAPI::instance_;

AppAPI::AppAPI(Context* context): Component(context)
	instance_ = this; 
	//scene_ = GetScene();



void AppAPI::RegisterObject(Context* context)
	asIScriptEngine* engine = AppConsole::instance_->script_engine_->GetScriptEngine();
	RegisterComponent<AppAPI>(engine, "AppAPI");
	engine->RegisterObjectMethod("AppAPI", "void LoadModel(String)", asMETHOD(AppAPI, LoadModel), asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("AppAPI @api", instance_);
	//engine->RegisterObjectProperty("AppAPI", "Scene@ scene", offsetof(AppAPI, scene_));

void AppAPI::LoadModel(String path)

Any thoughts?


Also, it’s worth adding that my scene is all set up and working fine. In fact, I can call that same function in C++ without any errors. It seems that it’s just the access from the script.