Hi all.
Here i give a list of features that might be good to implement…
I made this for participate in a good project (best engine open source i see) and give ideas, not for give work to make.
–Needed, -Normal,-* Extras.
- Inverse Kinematics example.
- Upgrade the vehicle example ?
- Graphics example with some thinks.
-- Glass example.
-- FPS with camera hands(Basic).
-- Light types example and projectors.
-- Trigger examples move objects or enable others.
-* Breakable examples.
-* Flag physics example.
-* Day - Night cycle example.
-* Water with physics example.
- Add Inverse Kinematics with ground alignment.
-- Zone of animation or action for AI.
-* Add Flag/Cloth physics from Bullet.
-* Add Basic water sim (basic waves and var for physic objects(float or not, mass)).
- Breakable objects 4 types:
-- 1- Jointed breakable object (jointed parts in 3d editor, in game have individual physics and start static).
-- 2- Same as 1 but the model change in other models and at the end part select have to breakable object or not).
-- 3- Pre-Backed physics object (Animation + physics).
-* 4- Deformable objects (the object 3d model vertex change procedural).
-** 5- Procedural physics object (Physics procedural calculation).
-* Environment controlled objects (Clouds, Vegetation wind, Water...)(For vegetation use for example some animations cycle or procedural but is hard).
-- Material types and class, (metal,wood, others) give different properties.
-- Add Glow.
-- God Rays.
-- Add HDR and Global Ilumination.
-* Add SSAO.
-* Add Projected Decals. (Box in editor)
- Add Light with texture projected.
-* Add different types of Antialising. (SMAA, MSAA...)
-- Add Glass.
- Enviorment, Skybox, Fog, HDR configurator.
- Terrain editor(heightmap)
-* Build editor(editor like id tech3 or 4 with views) BSP/GSC.
Sorry for my english.
Thanks all.
[size=85] edited for best reading by moderator. [/size]