Archive 19/01/2023.

7DFPS game jam



Two Game Jams, 7DFPS and Procedural Generation Jam 2014 , are starting tomorrow.
I want to participate in one of these two. The last few weeks i had no time to do some programming but next week i have some free time to do so. :slight_smile:

Are there others, who have some interest to work together or just meet in an irc chat or so ?


Hm, they both sound like good jams – 7DFPS, a chance to try make something unique about FPS’s, ProcGen also includes tools as entries.

Does 7DFPS have a theme ?

If I do enter I might go solo, but it would be cool to bounce ideas around. I am in the #urho3d irc channel on freenode if you want to talk !


In the end I wasn’t able to finish to a quality I wanted, although since I like the idea I was working on I’ll definitely continue it at some point (it’s something I was bouncing around in my head for a while).

I posted screenshots and blab here: Blog


[quote]- Inheritance in scripts can trip you up. Node::GetScriptObject only grabs explicitly named script objects, so if “Bot” inherits from “Player” you’re not going to find bot by looking for player. However, it was a natural enough choice to split the “Bot” away from the “Player” with the bot using the “Player” to make decisions. I think there’s still some remnants of the “OR OR OR” nightmares.

Thats a good point, script instance was never improved even though script file lets you create objects via their interfaces now. I’ll add it to the todo list.